Aboriginal Cultural Inclusivity Guide and Assessment Checklist

for Early Learning Services

At Djalgala, we believe that fostering cultural safety and inclusivity in early childhood education is paramount. Our Aboriginal Cultural Inclusivity Assessment for Early Learning Services is a self-guided tool designed to help early childhood services create environments where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are not only respected but celebrated. Additionally, this tool supports the embedding of Indigenous perspectives into everyday learning and practices, making these cultural elements an integral part of your service’s educational foundation.

This 94 page tool includes both a comprehensive guide and a practical assessment checklist. The guide provides valuable insights and suggestions, while the checklist allows you to evaluate and enhance your service’s cultural inclusivity practices.

Our Guide and Assessment CHECKLIST Includes:

Recognising and Honouring Indigenous Cultures: Examination of practices related to flying flags, Acknowledgement of Country, and daily routines that honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

Creating a Culturally Welcoming Environment: Review of how your service’s entry, foyer, and reception areas reflect and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in a welcoming and respectful manner.

Engaging with Community: Assessment of your service’s relationships with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, including consultations with Elders and participation in community events.

Inclusive Policy Development: Review of your service's policies to ensure they are inclusive and culturally appropriate.

Parental and Family Involvement: Assessment of how well your service engages with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in decision-making processes and daily participation.

Cultural Celebrations and Events: Examination of how your service celebrates key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events and integrates these celebrations into your programming.

Cultural Competency and Training: Evaluation of staff training and ongoing professional development opportunities focused on Indigenous perspectives.

Curriculum and Programming Alignment with EYLF: Examination of how Indigenous perspectives are embedded in your curriculum and daily practices, aligned with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) outcomes.

Environment and Resources: Review of the physical environment to ensure it reflects and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

Cultural Communication Practices: Evaluation of how well your communication practices reflect cultural sensitivity and inclusivity.

First Nations inclusivity guide with resources for embedding Indigenous perspectives
Facilitator explaining Indigenous perspectives during cultural inclusivity training

Need More Support?

In addition to our guide and assessment, Djalgala offers a range of services to further support your journey toward cultural inclusivity:

  • On-site Assessment Options: We offer a face-to-face assessment service where our team visits your location to conduct a detailed evaluation and provide tailored recommendations, helping your service enhance its cultural inclusivity practices.

  • Zoom monthly check-ins to support staff and answer any questions in a culturally safe space.

  • Face-to-Face Professional Development Seminars: Interactive seminars focused on enhancing staff understanding and implementation of Indigenous perspectives in early learning settings.

  • Embracing and Embedding Indigenous Perspectives Course: One-Year Program for Professional Development, Children’s Weekly interactive videos, 40 EYLF-aligned lesson plans, and over 200 extension learning suggestions.

  • Linc’s Monthly Cultural Adventure: Monthly subscription featuring Linc’s Adventure Story, exploring country and culture with weekly extension learning suggestions and framework links.

  • Explore Artefacts & Tools with Hayley & Friends: 10 interactive videos, 10 EYLF-aligned lesson plans, and 40 extension learning suggestions.

  • Cultural Resource Kits

  • Aboriginal Art Murals 

  • Staff Uniform Design featuring Aboriginal art

  • Face-to-face cultural immersion programs with children

  • Traditional ceremonies and Aboriginal dance performances


Ready to take the next step in creating a culturally safe and inclusive environment?

Download our Aboriginal Cultural Inclusivity Guide and Assessment for Early Learning Services today for $79 or reach out to learn more about our range of services.