Linc’s Monthly Cultural Adventure

Lincs Adventure Story exploring Country & culture with Extension Learning Suggestions & Framework links. Delivered to your inbox monthly.

Join us on an exciting adventure with Linc, a young Gangalidda boy from far north-west Queensland, as he explores the rich traditions and cultures of Aboriginal people across Australia.

Through Linc’s tales, children will embark on exciting journeys that help them understand the significance of Aboriginal culture, deepen their connection to the land, and foster a sense of wonder and respect for the wisdom of its Traditional Owners. Each letter offers a unique glimpse into the rich cultural heritage that has shaped this land for thousands of years.

Each month, Linc shares a new story from his adventures—whether it's discovering the importance of message sticks, learning how to create a coolamon, or understanding the magic of gum leaves. Every letter is packed with fun facts, extension learning suggestions, and links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) outcomes and National Quality Standards (NQS) areas.

What You’ll Love About Linc’s Adventures:

Curriculum Support Made Simple: Each letter includes extension learning suggestions that are directly linked to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) outcomes and National Quality Standards (NQS) areas. This helps your team meet curriculum goals and learning outcomes while easily incorporating culturally sensitive education into your practices and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Support in Embedding Indigenous Perspectives: Linc’s Adventures provide a meaningful way to introduce and embed Indigenous perspectives into your early learning service.

Interactive and Hands-On: Each letter is accompanied by fun facts, extension activities, and the option to enhance learning with our Resource Kit, making the experience both educational and engaging.

Culturally Respectful Content: All content is carefully crafted to respect and honour Aboriginal culture, offering children a chance to learn through authentic stories and traditions.

Enhance the Experience with Our Resource Kit

To make Linc’s adventures even more interactive, we offer a specially designed Resource Kit that links directly to the letters. Imagine holding an emu caller in your hands while reading about how Linc learned to use it to mimic the sounds of the emu, or exploring other traditional tools like kangaroo skin, ochre, clapsticks, and a boomerang as you learn about their uses in everyday life. The Resource Kit, priced at $399, is a fantastic way to bring the stories to life and deepen the learning experience.

What's Inside the Resource Kit:

Kangaroo Skin: A piece of kangaroo skin, providing a tactile connection to traditional Aboriginal practices.

Mini Clapsticks: A small set of clapsticks, perfect for engaging with music and ceremonies just like Linc.

Emu Caller: Learn to mimic the sounds of the emu with this traditional emu caller.

Crushed White Ochre: A bag of crushed white ochre with a rock of ochre, ideal for hands-on learning about this traditional material.

Artefact Information Cards: Fun cards to educate you about the artifacts.

Ready to start the adventure? Receive Linc’s letters by email and unlock a world of discovery and learning each month. Click the button below to subscribe or purchase the full program, and let the journey begin!